Saturday, January 9, 2010

A much needed transformation

Hello out there friends! I decided to start this blog ( well it was suggested I should :D ) to document an entire year of my journey from a morbidly obese woman to a healthy, happy, and average size person. I guess I will just start from the beginning. When I was 20 years old I was about 20 pounds overweight. I had kids, ate whatever I wanted, cleaned their plates and became a fairly inactive person, except for chasing my babies around. Fast forward to age 29 I am now 90 lbs. overweight and have been on every "diet" imaginable. My kids are now 7 and 8 and I am working full time, so I couldn't understand why the pounds were clinging on. I made a routine appointment with my Doc and told her all of my "issues" . After the appointment she explained that I had a very common condition in young women termed Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, and that I am pre-diabetic.

The only way to keep my symptoms at bay is to lose weight. Needless to say that scared the heck out of me!!! This condition not only makes it SUPER easy to gain weight, it makes it even harder to lose the weight, so she referred me to Monarch.

Monarch is a weight loss clinic here in my home town that is physician guided and very successful. The basic premise is built around eating small meals based off your body composition and caloric needs highlighting a high protein intake.

Today is my first day! So in an attempt to chronicle this HUGE journey to become 90 pounds lighter I am here blogging about it. I hope to inspire other people trying to lose weight while offering my thoughts, recipes, exercise attempts and pretty much any therapeutic venting!

My goal as I told you all earlier is 90 pounds. Today I felt like I was eating ALL the time. Its seems so strange that this is going to actually allow me to lose weight. Whenever I tried to lose weight before I was always starving!!!! Last night I did have a "moment" of panic. You see my dinner meal is the biggest meal of my day and it can only be around 400 calories. 400 calories may seem or sound like a lot, but for me it seemed impossible. Especially when I added up the amount of calories I used to consume. Luckily I found a recipe book that is AMAZING and offers TONS of recipes that I can eat just for dinner. It is called "Cook this, Not that" written by, David Zinczeko and Matt Goulding. I immediately wrote a dinner menu list for the entire week and tonight I am trying the Macaroni and Cheese. If all goes well it is 1/3 the calories we used to consume when eating mac and cheese and it meets all of my dinner requirements!

Thank you so much for your support in advance, I am still deciding if I should put pictures up as well.....hmmmmm let me know if you think I should also photo chronicle this journey?


  1. Yay for you, Kim, you are going to do so awesome!!! I think you definitely need to do pics, so you can see the change for yourself. Whether you post them on here or not, that's up to you. But you gotta have "before" pics. I love you Kim, you are going to do awesome with this!

  2. Thank you so much Kacy! Who knew that when you met me and I met you that we were going to go through SO much together! You are like a sister to me and I adore you! Love you so much!

  3. Kim, I'm glad to hear you've made a proactive choice. I'm just over double the weight I should be and I'm trying to do something about it too but it's no easy task. I look forward to joining you in your journey - I know that you'll do wonderful and feel great. I'm going to wish you good luck but I know your success will not be by the force of luck. GOOD LUCK!

  4. Angie, Thank you so much! Best of Wishes to you on your journey as well, I am so glad that there are forums like these where we can support each other!!! Cheers to the shape we were intended to be :)

  5. I am very proud of you and I know you truly can accomplish anything you put your mind (and body) to! I will be praying for you. Awesome job at blogging. It will help others as well as yourself.

  6. Amy, Thank you!!! I am very nervous about blogging! I am not sure I am good at it, but I do think it will be such a benefit!!!

  7. Girl you do whatever you feel comfortable doing. If you wanna post pix go for it, if you don't wanna, you don't have to. That's the best part of having a blog. Its YOURS! That said, CONGRATS! I went through a time after having babies where I needed to lose weight, and I can sympathizes in some regards with your journey. Keep your chin up, and remember...the elliptical machine is your friend even when it doesn't feel like it...

  8. Go, girl! I am so proud of you, Kim. You will do AWESOME, I know!

  9. Thank you SO much Kelly! I am very excited!
