Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 2

Here it is day two, I am starting to see small changes already in my eating. I have consistently stayed pretty full, and I really like eating every two and a half hours. I will say that I had a mini meltdown a little while ago, I was trying to figure out how to make fajitas and properly figure out the calories, carbs, and protein. What a PAIN!! It took me FOREVER!!!! I can only hope that it gets easier to calculate those numbers cause I was almost in tears frustrated! I did figure it out though and I believe I am pretty accurate. I think over time this whole process will be a lot less time consuming.

In an effort to make myself fully accountable I have decided to post my weights and weigh ins I weigh in every Friday with clothes. When I started trying to lose weight it was a couple of weeks before Monarch and I weighed 275 pounds. When I weighed in at Monarch I was 267.3 pounds. Which is great! So I will post this Friday what my "monarch" weight is.

Last night I left off telling you all that I was going to try a new recipe for macaroni and cheese. It was a success. We could all tell it wasn't regular mac and cheese but for a extremely healthy change and my new lifestyle it was fabulous! I recommend it highly. I am not sure I can post the recipe on here because it isn't mine, but if you are in need of it e-mail me and I will send it to you!

Thank you all so much for your support! It means so much to me and I know I am going to need all the virtual high fives I can get!!!!


  1. posted my starting weight pics :) wow it's out there now!

  2. You go! It just rocks that you've taken charge of your health this way. I applaud you for it! Two years ago I lost about 25 pounds, and I am now learning to deal with a 'gluten free' diet, so I have had to rethink how I do everything too. I must say it can be very daunting. But YOU CAN DO IT! What I've learned is: take it one minute at a time- realize that you have the power to change (or redirect any misstep) right now! Changing your eating habits is a learning process more than a diet. A total virtual high five to you for doing this! Hi ten, even!
    PS, wrapping Fajitas/tacos/wraps in lettuce leaves works to take out calories and add fiber, but you have to master the knack- several leaves work best. Plus, if you can have them, check out tofu shiritaki noodles- they're made of yam flour and tofu, and they satisfy the urge for pasta with almost no carbs or calories. (or if you can't have soy, asian markets carry them without the tofu) They are packaged in water in a plastic bag- most Whole Foods carry them in the cooler. (and some Jewel/Albertson's, too) They smell a bit strong when you open them, but then you rinse them and nuke them for a minute, add them to a dish, and they're great! (in soups, stirfrys- whatever!) Again, best of luck, and we're cheering for you!

  3. Rita! Thank you so MUCH!!!! One of my best friends is Gluten free, it was so eye opening to learn ALL the food that has gluten in it and the damage it can do! Thanks for the noodle tip, I had been mourning the loss of my noodles :D so this will be a HUGE treat! I am so encouraged from everyone's success stories, I can tell already that being vulnerable and posting this blog will be a great support system! Thank you again!!!

  4. Kudos on Day 2 and posting pics. It's a daunting step that I haven't taken yet. I weighed in on my Wii Fit today (it's my WW weigh in day - I use the online tools only) and I've lost a little again. I'm down from just before Thanksgiving and that's motivation enough to keep it up. I'm interested in picking up some of those noodles - they sound like a great alternative! Keep up the good work and I hope to hear from you again soon.

  5. Thanks Angie! Congrats on your weightloss!!! Weight Watchers is an amazing program!!! Do you like the Wii fit? I have been considering it.....

  6. Keep up the good work!!! I gained 25 extra pounds after a car accident five years ago and felt like I would never be a healthy weight again. One day it was just like, "I need to make a change today!" and I did. I started keeping better track of calories and realizing what was high calorie, what was low, and what were the best foods for me. I started making sure I ate at least nine fruits and veggies every single day and I bought an elliptical (great investment!). Making sure I got those nine servings each day was the HUGE change for me, because I ended up filling up on fruits and veggies instead of pasta, chips, rice, ice cream, etc. (but I still ate them - just in moderation - which was really hard at first). I lost 70 pounds over the next year and a half. I gained a little of it back over time because I had become a little too thin and my doctor recommended I gain a bit back, but the habits I learned have completely changed my life. I know you can do it - keep up the good work :) Once you learn those healthy eating habits and start getting in an exercise routine, it just becomes natural. Oh, and I suggest you try Tofu Shirataki if you haven't - it is a great super-low cal pasta substitute! I'm looking forward to following your weight loss success!! Stay positive!! :)

  7. woops, just saw Rita suggested Tofu Shirataki too! lol.
    I know some groceries carry them and I've seen them at Wegman's. I buy them at an organic grocery store. I used to order them online from an organic food store in Cali that had the best online prices and cheaper shipping (but they are cheaper to get in my grocery now, so I get them there). if you can't find them, I can try to find that online store for you.

  8. I just saw what Brooke said about the fruits and veggies, and that is SO TRUE! I have always been a veggie lover, so I always thought I was getting enough. Then I actually counted for a couple of weeks, and noticed that I had slid into some bad habits. (my husband's, harumph...) So, back on the veggie train I went, and it made such a difference for both of us. It really becomes easy to do because you just feel so much better! You don't feel so hungry all the time- I swear, I eat cucumbers and those little tomatoes like they're candy!
    And I agree with Brooke about the exercise, too- you really get loads of energy from it, it's amazing. My motto now is from grade school science: 'Energy in motion stays in motion. Energy at rest stays at rest.'
    I know it's goofy, but when I don't feel like working out, I say that to myself to kick my butt into gear!
