Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 4

Not a bad day at all! In fact today was a great day! I realized something tonight as I was sitting with my hubby watching tv. I have not been "FULL" one time on this program and I have not been "HUNGRY" either. HMMMM, have I ever just felt satisfied? I don't think so..... So I ask myself this question, how do I feel about that? My conclusion, I feel GREAT!!! I mean yeah, I crave things sure, I miss some things that I just can't mindlessly grab and nibble. But, it is a MORE than healthy trade to not feel sick after eating, or so guilty you just want to cry. Or so disgusted you want to throw up, but find your even to chicken to do that. So I am adapting to this new life, and I am thankful that I am not missing the old one. Thank you LORD! Seriously though.....why did I waste so many years on the mindless eating? I can't answer that one, maybe just maybe I will find the answer to that on this journey as well.


  1. That's a good break through! Yay for you, my love!

  2. The emotional component of over eating is a big one. It sounds like you are asking yourself the right questions! The answers will come soon enough. Just recognizing the pattern was a huge deal. Good for you!

  3. Thank you so much Heather! I heart you!!! I appreciate your support so much!
