Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 6

TOMORROW is WEIGH in day! Oh my goodness, I am SO nervous! What if I am retaining water? Or Gas? Oh my lanta! I hope I have lost weight. I don't think I look like I have! I am also super nervous about tomorrow night we are going to Chili's for dinner I am having the guiltless salmon it is only 375 calories and it has 51 grams of protein. But, the part I am scared about is, what if they lied to me and it is really like a million calories???? ughhh!!!! This is SO hard! I am having a mild freak out over this. I guess I could make it better if I do a quick workout before I go and Saturday morning? I will definitely post my weight tomorrow night (fingers crossed)!!!!!!!!


  1. You are doing great. Don't worry about it. Salmon should be good for you. It will just taste like butt. ;) Just kidding. If I had to live off of fish, I would be weightless. You are doing great and don't worry! I am so proud of you! Love ya
